Rent a beehive – Show Your work for the environment and your environmental profiling in a new way!
We turn to You who wish to develop Your company’s work for the environment and Your environmental profiling in a concrete, interactive and creative way. Our services aim to inform and spread knowledge about bees and biodiversity and how this knowledge is connected with sustainable development and the well-being of humans.
- You will have an advertising space that raises great attention at a low cost. Three custom designed hives, bees and all maintenance are included with every bee farm. You choose the location yourself.
- This gives a positive image and a powerful long-term environmental profile for Your company.
- You contribute in the fight for a sustainable development.
- You will recieve 25 gift bags with honey per farm and year to use within Your business or to give away as gifts for clients or staff. A gift that is highly appreciated. The gift bags will be delivered to You free of charge in November.